Just stumbled upon this liverecording on one of Lykke Li's latest tunes from Last Tuesday Society in East London. I still remember the first time I got the chance to see Lykke live in 2007 @ Hultsfred Sweden. She walked out on that stage with a megafon in her right hand, which most people seemed to think was quite odd. But at the exact moment she started singing I just knew that she was going to go further then this small crowd in Hultsfred Atlantis with her truly epic voice and sound...
Interview with Damir Doma in the latest issue of Metal mag issue #21, a must-read (fullscreen)!

Went to what i believe is Acne's flagship store in London yesterday with Filip, 4 stores of pure epic. Had to take some piccs of the top floor (Filip chillin in the right corner), could totally work at that place!
Made a little map on what stores to check out tomorrow, got about 20 to visit all of em quite close to the center of London, lookin forward to it!
/Oscar PS I'll get a pic up tomorrow on "todays outfit", including my lovely new Prada shoes!

Fuckin A, CC + Robert Smith, can it get any better?
/Oscar PS more updates coming soon, been abit hectic during the last week!

So I've been in London for about 4 days now, everything is going good in the english-school im studying at, most people is actually worse then i am in english.
Did some tourist stuff today with Filip, Madame Tussauds was quite a bummer to be honest, but atleast I can say that I've been there now. We also went to Trafalgar square, picadilly, Dover street and most of the bigger central streets, we felt like real tourists!

Jacob Coupe in a new reinterpretation on the classics, such as Prada/Givenchy for my favourite magazine: METAL†
Styling: Emil Rebek.
Photography: Giordgio Codazzi.
Video: Giorgio Codazzi & Pasquale Ettorre.
/Oscar PS I would kill for the Crown of thorn's necklace!

Mundi A/W 10/11 Collection.
Soundtrack: Andri Ásgrímsson.
Produced by: Fumi Nagasaka.
/Oscar PS (Press the picc for ze article + movie).

Found a picture on the camera of our cat Sickan, yeah i know he poonz!!