Pictures in courtesy of Attitude
Im quite the fan of black, as most of my readers probably know by now. This season however there's so much designers going for the "all-white" look that I might just give it a go. Just look at these pictures above from Attitude's February Issue!
Picc 1: Top, JW Anderson.
Picc 2: Yves Saint Laurent.
Picc 3: Givenchy.
Photographer: Philip Riches.
Stylist: Frank Strachan.
Over & out

Few random piccs, enjoy!
Over & out

So today I received this little brochure in the mail from Dover Street Market with a invitation to the new season of COMME des GARÇONS wich will open tomorrow on the 14th of January!
Judging by the cover it's put together by René Burri, which is probably most well known for the iconic pictures of Che Guevara and the political aspect of his work.
The photos seem to be set in the end of WW2 in mainly Germany and France, showing us the aftereffect of what once was and how people adapt to the new and better!
What more splendid way to picture the aftermath of a war than the smile of a innocent child?
And what better way to open up the doors for a new season of CDG!!

piccs in courtesy of Romainlecam.
God I just fell in love with these pictures of Boy London X LONG Clothing's recent collab.
Im not sure if it's the perfect light in the piccs, the raw mix of neon/black or the sick accessories that makes em pop out of the screen. I do know one thing though, that they are fuckin raaad!!
Im not sure if it's the perfect light in the piccs, the raw mix of neon/black or the sick accessories that makes em pop out of the screen. I do know one thing though, that they are fuckin raaad!!
Make sure to check out/buy a t-shirt from the collection @: †

Popped by Showstudio Shop today, god that place is amazing!
Hannah just reminded me of an old craving of mine which seems to pop up way to often in my head...
From the latest issue of 160g, Nothing Is Written.
Directed by: Nicolas Valois.
Styling: Rene Gloor.

"Fabric is everything. Often I tell my pattern makers, 'Just listen to the material. What is it going to say? Just wait the material will probably teach you something'." -Yohji, A/W 1996.


"This is my idea for a woman's body. I like the curve of a woman's back. I always watch her silhouette in the streets" -Yohji, in homage to Pina Bausch, S/S 1992.
I went to Yohji Yamamoto's exhibition today at Victoria & albert. It was interesting to see all of that history from one of our biggest fashion-designers gathered in one small room. You were able to read magazines/books and watch most of his fashionshows + listen to his very own music.
No pictures in the exhibition-room though, these are some pictures of pieces that they put out abit randomly around the museum.

Pictures and Video from StyleLikeU.
If I could have 1 wardrobe in the whole wide world it would probably be Andrew Mukamal or maybe maybe Panos Yiapanis. Anyway all of his clothing is amazing and his accessories is to-die-for, look at the rings and bracelets, dear god.

Old news maybe, yet so fuckin beautiful!
Strange, the more i watch it the better it gets...
Spring is closing in, (even though the temperature is shiftin up/down all the time in Sweden, from -25 a few days ago to todays remperature +2).
Anyway this Monday will set a start for the springbloggin and im startin with some inspiring piccs from 160 Magazine February issue, photographed by Antonella Arismendi with model Luciano Rivarola. Hopefully getting up todays outift to!
This can only be described with one simple word: Amazing!

I never really get stuck on campaign pictures, but this one in specific from Alexander McQueen, seems i cant get it out of my head...
Model: Bex Fleetwood.
Style: Jay Massacret.
Photography: Chad Pitman.