Just had to share this soundtrack that's been stuck on my mind since the show with Stine Riis @ Stockholm fashion week.
His stuff is dope, check this tune out aswell!
Over & out

A mix of pictures from yesterdays event, showing the MA students work from London College of Fashion in the beautiful Raphael Room at the V&A museum!
As usual my digitalcamera does not deliver proper pictures at all unless the light of the room/scene is to my favour.
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We all know how hyped the platform-shoe have been these past few seasons, it's impossible to miss and it's not going to be different this summer nor next winter as most of the bigger designers are jumping on the bandwagon.
Personally I am quite picky when it comes to shoes as Creepers and those killer Spice Girls platforms is way to much for my taste + they tend to look abit tacky.
High street all look the same, basically workwearboots (ripping Givenchy) or Chukk's with soles in either cork, foam, rubber or a random mix trying to rip off Prada, basically epic-fail!
I'm trying to find a good looking shoe that is something inbetween the British Creeper and a more dressed, simple option. This is a few of my favourites.
From the top George Cox X Yohji Yamamoto, second one is George Cox X Japanese LABRAT and last but not least the A/W 11 shoes from Mugler X Underground.
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Not a newsflash for most people walking down Carnaby street regularly as the renovation been going on for quite a while, a few of you might have noticed that they've got a concession in Selfridges aswell since last year.
What you might not know about Monki though is the fact that it's the Swedish sister brand of Cheap Monday and Weekday, which is run by Fabric Scandinavia and owned by the bigger company H&M!
Cheap Monday which most people probably know from Urban Outfitters here in UK is also going to be a part of this new store concept and most likely we will see a mix of the three brands. Judging by the most recent interview on the matter on Weekdays website with Danish Mr.Henrik Aaen which started working for the company as COO last year, there's going to be a store for men aswell in the spring of 2012. My guess is that it's going to be a part of this one, but who know's, maybe we get our own dedicated store?
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This year H&M decided to start a new award with focus on upcoming designers. Graduates from 14 prominent schools around 6 countries in Europe will be getting the chance to win a price of 50.000 Euro and show their own designs worldwide!
26 year old Isabelle Lundh from Beckmans in Stockholm will be the first of 6 nominees, she will be representing Sweden in the competition, good luck Isabelle!
Over and out

Snapping some piccs with my new camera of the latest kick-ass addition to the family from Hope, handmade in Italy (Reminds abit of marselle's shoes, right?) but with a Swedish twist!
Promise some more updates in the near future, streetpicc incoming soonish with one of my current favourite outfits, stay tuned!
Over and out

A small part of my wardrobe, basically what I managed to fit into my bag when moving here from Schweden. Obviously I got tons of folded stuff aswell! ;P
Front: Acne sandals, Prada brogues, Prada studded brogues, Acne boots.
Back: Alejandro Ingelmo, H&M-Trend, Converse.


The first single from Digitalism's upcoming album "I love you, dude", ready to drop on the 20th of June!
Click here for Soundcloud!

Just got a package with these little babies from Acne ss10 + a picture of the latest addition to our family, Mira! And a little note from my lovely mom, I do miss my family more then I thought I would, it's just these small things that make you really really happy!

Breakfast Club, Soho. Followed by Nakknas showroom, only parts of the A/W 11 collection though. Sunbathing in 20 degrees, pretty fookin awesome.

I love how the new meet the old and the graffiti tie it all together...

One of my favourite stores in London, stocking Rick Owens DRK SHDW + the Mainline, MMM and upcoming designershoes/jewellery for ladies.
The clothing goes so well with the interior, I guess that I always had a thing for b/w, probably because I grew up in a white home in Sweden with a mom that had a big thing for interior. I'd guess I started wearing black one day to go against all the white around me and slowly just grew in to the idea of always wearing it, understandin how much you can actually do with just one simple color as long as you got a little bit of imagination.

What am I supposed to watch now, besides Californication? :/

I got nominated as one of Swedens Best Dressed "Normal" Men 2010 in the biggest fashion magazine in Sweden for men, Café. Sadly enough I forgot that I were in this competition and later on heard from a friend after a winner was cored that appprently I was one of the nominees in the final.
Well better late then never.
Went around London with Filip this Friday in the search for some sweet stores, managed to find a few but they seem quite rare in central London. Tomorrow im going to Liverpool, Shoreditch, Bricklane in mah search for a new favourite in London, currently i would have to say that A-Machine is numero uno without any doubt!

The sleeveless coat from Lina Osterman is so fuckin epic, wish i had 1700£ to spend.

Managed to find Vivienne Westwoods store, kilts! <3

Tubestation picc on my new shoes, getting better piccs up this week.

Picasso @ Tate Modern.

Picasso @ Tate Modern.

Dont remember who made this but it was def one of the coolest painting I've ever seen.

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol
Went to Tate Modern today with Emil, managed to take a few pictures before my mobilebattery went flat.

Real Cranium @ Natural History Museum.

Narwhal cranium with 2 instead of 1 tusks, apparently about 1 of 800 Narwhals got 2, so it's quite rare!

A part of the Sfinx from Giza's chin @ British museum.
Some randompiccs from museums around London!

Went to Dover Street today, accidently stumbled in to a Prada store and found a pair of shoes, moar piccs tomorrow, stay tuned! Also tried the Hannah Marshall ring on, it's even more awesome then on the picc!

Love the Black† editorial in the new free online magazine Pulp! Prolly getting some better piccs with higher
resolution in the beginning of next week!