I've Been listening to Jamie's essential mix for BBC1 24/7 since the release, in case you did miss this siiiiick mix, be sure to tune in @ Soundcloud straight away!!!!
Over and out
Mr Oscar

Just watched the last episode of Entourage, still got a tear in my eye! 8 epic seasons reached it's end!
Ari, Eric, Vincent, Drama, Turtle and many more! It was Quite a twist for the last episode!
In case you've never watched Entourage I strongly recommend it, one of my favourite series all time!

Stole the picture from Chad's Blog, moi wearing Yohji Yamamoto.
Went to the celebration of the 150th year birthday of the Tuxedo by London College of Fashion with Mr Chad and Burger this evening.
The students from LCF Bespoke Tailoring had the chance to make their own take of the Tuxedo in a more modern way. They made a shortfilm in collaboration with actors from Central St Martins to be shown around the world starting with NY.
It was quite interesting, guess I should have snapped a few more pictures of the garments, but some people do it better anyway. On the other hand you will be able to find the suits in the men's department of Harrods from the 8th of September to the 22nd.
The top picture won as the best Tux and got a internship within Henry Poole & Co at Savile Row!!
Over and out