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fucking awesome!
The book begins with the author's quest to find a shadowy tribe of Mexican
Indians known as the Raramuri (translated as the "Running People," the
Raramuri are more commonly known to outsiders as the Tarahumara). The
Tarahumara inhabit a remote region of the Chihuahuan Desert known as the
Copper Canyons, and they tend to be very shy around outsiders. What is
special about the Tarahumara from the standpoint of this book is that they
are renowned as a culture that revolves around distance running, and among
their numbers are some of the greatest distance runners on this planet.
While on this journey, McDougall meets up with a mysterious American who
lives in the canyons among the Tarahumara and goes by the name of Caballo
Blanco - the "white horse." Caballo lets McDougall in on an audacious plan
that he's concocting - he's organizing a race whereby he hopes to bring
some of the top ultra runners on the planet down to the Copper Canyons to
face off with the best the Tarahumara have to offer on a grueling 50-mile
ultra marathon course.